Saturday, November 1, 2014

Elvis Loves My Sister's Grave

My Sister's Grave Launch Day. November 1, 2014.  Who killed Sarah?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you've ever written (and rewritten and rewritten ad nauseam ) one or more (mostly more) novels, then you know this is how it's done. At Bouchercon in New Orleans, September 2016, Harlan Coben quoted whoever said, "Writing is rewriting," to a crowd of about 1000 people. If you're not rewriting, you're not writing. How many rewrites have I given to my novels RICHTER TEN and SUNSPOT and GUMSHOE and KILLING SUKI FLOOD? Oh, about 15 each. And, yes, you rewrite until you're sick of the manuscript and can't take it anymore. Cheers, Rob Leininger